domenica 9 gennaio 2011

Radio Stations That Support Lee MacDougall

Di seguito travete l'elenco di tutte le radio che stanno supportando Lee fin'ora ... E l'Italia? Bhè una piccola vittoria l'abbiamo raggiunta anche noi. Infatti, Webradio WR7  ha postato sulla propria pagina FB la canzone di Lee 'This is My Story', speriamo presto in un passaggio radiofonico a tutti gli effetti.

Here all the radio stations that are supporting Lee MacDougall right now.

Fearless Radio
@FearlessRadio ( DJ - @Justin182 or @wtfabone or @Lmfumag)  on Twitter
TweeQuest every M-W-F (and sometimes on Tues, Thurs and Sat as well) 5pm UK time, 12noon EST, 11am CST, 9am PST
Tweet them your request for Lee's song "She" during the show. Don't forget to use #TweeQuest after your tweet. You can also go to their website anytime there isn't a live show and request for Lee's song from their "Request Music" button.

UCLA Radio
@UCLAradio (DJ - @DJOctoon) on Twitter
Unsigned Music with DJ Octoon - every Tuesdays at 12mn UK time, 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 4pm PST
Tweet DJ Octoon your request for Lee's song during the show and he will play it on air.

Butterflies Radio
@allindie (DJ - Mark and/or Carol) on Twitter
Twitter Tuesdays - every Tuesdays at 1am UK time, 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST
Tweet Mark your request for Lee MacDougall during the show so he will play his song and will give you a shout out on air. Lee's song is also on their rotation and is played on air randomly.

Brooklands Radio
@Brooklandsradio (DJ - @DavidDurant) on Twitter
Surrey Unsigned - every Sundays at 7pm UK time, 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 11am PST
David Durant features a new unsigned artist during Sundays. He had Lee on his show on Oct 2010. Lee's song was on their Dec playlist as well.

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