source: The Lee MacDougall Experience
mercoledì 30 marzo 2011
mercoledì 23 marzo 2011
*AGGIORNATO* Rassegna stampa US Tour
All the articles on web about the
US TOUR: "If Walls Could Talk"
*NEW ARTICLE* Lee MacDougall plays an intimate show at Double northbynorthwesternDoor
- Lee MacDougall, The Backstage Lounge, Vancouver, BC. April 10, 2011 surroundedbymusic
- Review: Lee MacDougall, Justin Lewis and Voxhall-3/10 backseatsandbar
- Lee MacDougall Gives it to Denver Short & Sweet gratefulweb
- Interview: Lee MacDougall 3/10 backseatsandbar
- Lee MacDougall, The Backstage Lounge, Vancouver, BC. April 10, 2011 surroundedbymusic
- Review: Lee MacDougall, Justin Lewis and Voxhall-3/10 backseatsandbar
- Lee MacDougall Gives it to Denver Short & Sweet gratefulweb
- Interview: Lee MacDougall 3/10 backseatsandbar
- Lee MacDougall In-Tune with Music City By: Kiva Johns-Adkins butterfliesradio
- Lee MacDougall comes to Dallas and puts life into your spring break Examiner
- Lee MacDougall comes to Dallas and puts life into your spring break Examiner
- Music Review: Lee MacDougall - If Walls Could Talk blogcritics
- Brit Singer Lee MacDougall at Club Passim ... And He's a Friend of Rob Pattinson's! jimsullivanink
- Lee MacDougall "If Walls Could Talk" Tour Starts February 25th The Grateful
- Get ready for Britain's Lee MacDougall as he launches U.S. and Canada tour examiner
- British Singer Songwriter Lee MacDougall blogtalkradio
- Lee MacDougall Coming To America antimusic
lunedì 21 marzo 2011
domenica 20 marzo 2011
Don't miss the re-launch of the interview with Lee on 'Brooklands Radio'
Don't miss the re-launch of Surrey Unsigned TODAY from 7pm (UK) on the playlist Jimmy Etheridge Bambus City Strut Skinny Machines and the legendary Lee MacDougall plus many more of the very best unsigned artists in the music scene today!
Thanks to David Durant to post it!
venerdì 18 marzo 2011
giovedì 17 marzo 2011
Lee MacDougall bring Britain to SXSW this week
The Brits have landed in Houston, bringing their distinctive styles of Englishness and British indie/folk music where they will be performing and hobnobbing alongside numerous other global musicians, singer/songwriters, actors and more at SXSW®. And more than likely, stealing the show everywhere they perform. What Brits am I talking about specifically? None other than my favorites: Bobby Long, Lee MacDougall, and Flipron, who are all managed by Phil Taylor of Up At All Night Music.
The South by Southwest (SXSW®) Music and Media Conference is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year in Austin, Texas, and the lineup is more amazing than ever before. With 2,000 music acts, it is by far the biggest and most anticipated convergence of all things music. Everything is featured at SXSW®– musicians, movies, actors/actresses, posters for upcoming films, workshops, special events – everything.
British singer-songwriter Lee MacDougall, who was born and raised in Grimsby, a small historical town on the east coast of England, famous for its fishing industry, honed his skills in open-mike nights in London and has steadily grown his fan base by opening for the likes of Starsailor, Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison. Lee says that his newest song called "Stay" is “probably the most haunting ballad that I've written so far and I think that it would be perfect for a movie.”Lee released an EP on iTunes during July 2010 and sold 2,000 copies in the first 2 weeks with no press or promo - purely through an online fan base. His new EP, “If Walls Could Talk,” features 11 of his best songs and is available on his U.S. Tour, along with a commemorative poster, which Lee is more than happy to sign. The CD includes the standout tracks "TheStar Hotel" and "Joanna," among others. Lee has been touring the U.S. beginning in New York. While on tour, he has tweeted that he is “totally confused by the American use of the word biscuit…Biscuits are hob nobs or digestives.” (In the U.K., scones resemble America’s biscuits).
Lee will play at the Hideaway on Dunvale tonight, Wednesday, March 16, 11th. Lee MacDougall plays an official showcase at SXSW® at 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 17th, at Creekside at the Hilton Garden Inn. Since this will also be St. Patrick’s Day, expect plenty of green beer and free Irish kisses bandying about. Everyone has already fallen in love with Lee’s voice and music. Girls line up after his shows to take photos and chat a bit with the darling. So, just be ready for an amazing show, an amazing experience, and meeting one of the sweetest and most talented guys ever to cross the pond.
Read the complete article: source
mercoledì 16 marzo 2011
martedì 15 marzo 2011
SxSW preview from
British singer-songwriter Lee MacDougall honed his skills in open-mike nights in London and has steadily grown his fan base by opening for the likes of Starsailor, Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison. The musician brings his music to the U.S. this month, performing at South By Southwest and also in Houston at the Hideaway on Dunvale on Wednesday, 3.16.11.

I recently asked MacDougall some questions about his music, his influences, and coming to America for SXSW.
Houston Calling: What are you looking forward to most at this year’s South By Southwest?
Lee MacDougal: I can’t wait to sample some of the famous BBQs, and I’m hoping we can sneak into a few hedonistic parties. I’m also looking forward to doing a few guerrilla gigs out on the streets and doing some off the cuff stuff in between shows. After playing venues earlier in my tour in places such as New York and Boston, I am looking forward to throwing away my thermal underwear and soaking up a bit of Texan sunshine…and, of course, looking forward to some great music too.
HC: Any bands in particular that you’re looking forward to seeing during SXSW?
LM: I’m actually looking forward to discovering some new acts that I’m not familiar with. I like getting excited about new music and have heard that SXSW is the place to be. Katy Perry in a rubber outfit would also be nice. Is she playing?
HC: What do you consider to be your primary musical influences and how do they play into the music you make?
LM: The melodies of Lennon and McCartney, the lyrics of Ray Davies, Elvis’s hips and Jagger’s lips.
HC: I am a big fan of a lot of British music. What are some of your favorite British bands/musicians from the 60s to today?
LM: Like most musicians, I’ve always been in awe of The Beatles and the fact that two young guys could create so much incredible music together, and it’s always great to throw on some Rolling Stones when I’m getting roostered up for a night out. But I also really love the kitchen dramas of Squeeze and the Kinks, and then artists such as Rod Stewart and Duran Duran. These days I’m inspired by musical poets such as Pete Doherty and Carl Barat.
HC: What’s your favorite part of touring? Least favorite part?
LM: The best part of touring for me is just constantly meeting so many new amazing people and seeing so many new and interesting places. The worst part of touring is also the best part, I’m meeting all these great people and seeing so many great places – and then I have to leave the next day!
HC: How has digital technology helped you create your music?
LM: …I do, however, really appreciate the fact that it is possible to record and produce music entirely by yourself these days without the need for a producer and a big studio. I recorded my whole album, If Walls Could Talk, entirely in my bedroom in a tiny flat in London, and it’s pretty mind-blowing to think that it is now being heard all over the world. I love how the Internet helps to bring so many music fans together. I’m pretty active on Twitter and Facebook and enjoy hearing from fans and answering their messages whenever I can. Anyone who has been sucked into the murky underworld of the Internet can find me at and
HC: A lot of people have heard your music because of the Twilight connection. How did that come about? Are you happy with the exposure it has allowed you?
LM: I was hanging out with Robert Pattinson quite a bit a couple of years ago in London, and I wrote a funny little tune for him called “How To Be.” Some of his fans caught on to what I was doing and really liked it and began spreading the word about my music. Word of mouth works really quickly these days on the Internet with social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and within a few weeks, I had fansites all over the world in places such as Italy, Germany, Scandinavia, Brazil, Canada, and the USA . Of course, I am happy with the initial exposure it helped generate for me, as it helped to introduce my music to a large number of people overnight akin to getting great airplay or a TV appearance. That was quite a while ago now though, and I think for people to be coming back to my shows again and again that by now they are coming for the music. If people didn’t like what I was doing I think that connection would wear thin pretty quickly.
HC: What are you hoping to get out of this visit to the States?
LM: I wouldn’t mind a similar level of fame to the Beatles first visit to the states, but I will settle for a few more friends on Facebook. And a pickup truck.
HC: Any music you’ve been listening to lately that you’d recommend?
LM: I think Paolo Nutini is great, and I like some of the stuff that Johnny Flynn has been doing. I also really like the new Beady Eye record.
Thanks to Lee MacDougall for taking time out to answer these questions for Houston Calling. You can catch MacDougall live in Houston at the Hideaway on Dunvale this coming Wednesday, 3.16.11.
Lee MacDougall plays an official showcase at SXSW at 10pm on Thursday, 3.17.11, at Creekside at Hilton Garden Inn.
sabato 12 marzo 2011
*VIDEO* Hindsight - 'Hotel Room Session'
Lee è una persona di parola ed un cantante degno di nota ;) Raggiunti i 50 supporters in poche ore (articolo precedente) ecco il regalo promesso da Lee:
Hindsight - 'Hotel Room Session'
England's Lee MacDougall makes beautiful music in Nashville at 3rd & Lindsley
And so it was on a rainy, windswept Wednesday evening, March 9, 2011, when Lee MacDougall and his accompanist/guitarist Rob Hargreaves stepped onstage at 3rd & Lindsley, and performed to a crowd of new and supporting fans – some who had driven quite far from surrounding cities. It was the first time Nashville was able to see Lee perform live, and he didn’t disappoint. He stole our hearts.
Lee said he feels like he’s a million miles from home. And of course, he is since he was born and raised in Grimsby, England. “It’s quite grim,” he smiled as he chatted in that delicious accent. (Grimsby is a small historical town on the east coast of England mostly famous for its fishing industry – not its musicians, although I bet that’s about to change). Lee explained that his fellow guitarist and backup vocalist was Rob Hargreaves, who was from the Brown Hills (Walsall, England) and was “a really brown place.” Lee also gave a shout-out to his tour manager, Keith, who is “an unsung hero.”
Lee released an EP on iTunes during July 2010 and sold 2000 copies in the first 2 weeks with no press or promo - purely through an online fan base. His new EP, “If Walls Could Talk,” features 11 of his best songs and is available on his U.S. Tour, along with a commemorative poster, which Lee is more than happy to sign. TheCD includes the standout tracks "TheStar Hotel" and "Joanna," among others.
Read the complete article, click here!
venerdì 11 marzo 2011
Listen Lee's interview on WFPK Radio Louisville
In case you missed Lee's interview live on WFPK, here's the link so you can listen to it:
mercoledì 9 marzo 2011
In case you missed it live this morning, here is Lee on WREG-TV! Lee & Rob performed "Falling in Love for the Last Time" and "Joanna" and had a brief interview with the hosts.
martedì 8 marzo 2011
We WANT “Water For Elephants” Premiere in ITALY
Questa petizione è nata per farci sentire. Noi ITALIANE, che veniamo giudicate come NON FANS solo per la nostra piccola ribellione, vogliamo far arrivare a chi di competenza il nostro pensiero, la nostra rabbia, la nostra delusione per l’ennesima esclusione dalle premiere Europee riguardanti Robert Pattinson ed i suoi film.
Se anche tu ti senti delusa e vuoi far arrivare il tuo pensiero sull’esclusione dell’Italia dagli eventi, non ti resta che FIRMARE la petizione.
Se anche tu ti senti delusa e vuoi far arrivare il tuo pensiero sull’esclusione dell’Italia dagli eventi, non ti resta che FIRMARE la petizione.

This petition was created for us. ITALIANS! We want to get to whom it may concern, our thoughts, our anger, and our disappointment at yet another exclusion from the European premiere of Robert Pattinson and his films (aka WFE).If you feel disappointed and want to leave your thoughts on the exclusion of Italy for this event, please signing the petition.
venerdì 4 marzo 2011
Cerchiamo 50 nuovi fan di Lee MacDougall
Lee direttamente dalla sua pagina Facebook saluta tutti i suoi nuovi fan! Ringrazia e chiede di spargere il verbo della sua musica nel mondo! Così chiede il nostro aiuto, di TUTTI i suoi supporters nel trovare altri 50 nuovi fans entro domani mattina. In cambio Lee ci promette un'esclusiva 'Hotel Room Session'. Non resta che cliccare MI PIACE sulla sua pagina Facebook, cerca Lee MacDougall. -click here!
*NEW* Pics from Lee US Tour 'If walls could talk'
New amazing pics from Lee US Tour & Thanks to Phil (Lee's Manager) that sent them directly to us 'Lee MacDougall Italia'.
Click here to view all the pics!!!
giovedì 3 marzo 2011
An evening with Lee MacDougall
This lucky blogger was at the first North American show of Lee MacDougall!
Izzie, the name of the blogger, said: 'The show was great, yes, he sang 'Falling In Love' as well as all his songs. There was a small meet and greet after the show where this pic was taken. I took a few pics of the show as well.'
Read the complete article, click here!
mercoledì 2 marzo 2011
It was taken today in Woodstock NY near to where the woodstock festival was help.
Esclusiva Lee MacDougall Italia
martedì 1 marzo 2011
*NEW* Fan pics from Lee US TOUR 'If walls could talk'

Thanks to Maria & Julianna Pergely and Shannon Moore Rose and all the fans of Lee who will share with us your pics of the US TOUR 'If walls could talk'.
To check out the gallery please click here !
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